Pandas, Monks, Panda Monks! I can’t wait for my Panda Monk! I will be rolling a Panda Monk as will so many other people, remember what it was like when DK’s were added to the game and you saw them EVERYWHERE?
Today’s posting is about another potential crafting choice that Pandas/Monks may make as they level up. Jewelcrafting. I put this on my list because there will be toons who want JC as a profession for either the crafting bonus for their raiding or because they know that JC is a huge gold maker. It may even be their 2nd or 3rd JC profession. Why you ask? Because getting all of the recipes is a slow process that takes months of dailies to unlock. So while one toon can net you a new recipe every 3-4 days, 2 toons can double this, 3 toons triple it etc.
I would not go crazy on this stuff but I would strongly consider it as a profit potential. I did not include many of the items needed because they are slow movers or they are too JC dependant, meaning they really have minimal to no use for other professions. I prefer items that are needed in multiple professions since that could drive demand and keep supply on the short side.
Here are my items for my shopping list to stockpile for MoP, items are based on the wow-professions guide for Jewelcrafting, which is an awesome resource.
100 Copper Bar
120 Bronze Bar = 60 Copper Bar, 60 Tin Bar
140 Mithril Bar
40 Adamantite Powder (200 Adamantite Ore)
10 Adamantite Bar
70 from any of the following gems: Bloodstone, Chalcedony, Dark Jade, Huge Citrine, Shadow Crystal, Sun Crystal. Make sure to buy at least 5 Bloodstone, because you will need the Bloodstones when you reach 395.
46 Eternal Earth OR 23 Eternal Earth and 23 Eternal Shadow
5 Titanium Bar
45 from any of the following gems: Carnelian, Alicite, Jasper, Zephyrite. I did not include Hessonite and Nightstone in the list, because you will use them later on.
16 Hessonite
40 Nightstone
30 Shadowspirit Diamonds and a lot more Uncommon Gems for the Fire Prism transmutes.
I will probably invest about 60k into these items overall, a little lighter than some of my other profession stockpiling that I am doing but enough to get me in the game and make some gold. As always, consider your gold stockpile and how much you are willing to risk and be smart!